Far, Far Away Theatre Logo

Far, Far Away Theatre Logo

far far away theatre

"Boggis and Bunce and Bean/One fat, one short, one lean/These horrible crooks/So different in looks/Were nonetheless equally mean." And so begins another enchanting Roald Dahl tale concerning the extraordinary adventures of three nasty farmers, two curious creatures, a family of foxes, and our hero—a most fantastic fellow! Your audience will be fascinated as they watch Boggis, the (enormously fat!) chicken farmer; Bunce, the (pot-bellied dwarf) duck-and-goose farmer; and Bean the (thin) turkey-and-apple farmer, attempt to foil the efforts of Mr. Fox and his friends—the Badgers, the Moles, the Rabbits and the Weasels. And then, of course, they'll be held in suspense as the animals unwittingly trap themselves in Bean's Secret Cider Cellar—much to the displeasure of Rat (a rude creature) and all appear doomed. In the end, they'll cheer as Mr. Fox provides a glorious feast for each and every one—and gives rise to Mrs. Fox's proclamation that "My husband is one fantastic fox!" Certainly this show is lively and suspenseful and we're sure you will also find it a whole lot of fun!
This was to be our first Juvenile only show. We were extremely excited about it and after the huge success of the auditions we had a very strong and talented cast. After nearly 3 months of rehearsals we had to put the show on hold due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Once restrictions allowed us we did continue with socially distanced outdoor rehearsals and managed to get the show ready to perform in September 2020. However, this was not meant to be as theatres across the country were still closed.
Although the children never got chance to show off all their hard work, they gained many skills and made many new friends.
We still hope to stage this production some time in the future.
Here are some photos from our super fun rehearsals.